【摘 要】
The development of cell-mediated immunity has been known extremely important in clearing porcinereproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in infected pigs. However, the PRRS immunol-ogy rega
【机 构】
Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 200241, C
【出 处】
The development of cell-mediated immunity has been known extremely important in clearing porcinereproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in infected pigs. However, the PRRS immunol-ogy regarding the interaction of T-cells and PRRSV proteins is poorly understood. To identify the T-cellimmunodominant epitopes on the membrane (M) protein of PRRSV, a series of 31 overlapping pen-tade capeptides covering the entire M protein were designed and synthesized. These peptides werescreened by ELlspot analysis for their capabilities to elicit interferon-gamma (IFN-y) responses inthe peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), which were collected from pigs immunized with attenuated PRRSV HuN4-F112 Strain and Challenged Wlth highly pathogenic HuN4 strain. After threerounds of screening, 4 peptides (M3, MG, M8 and M12) were shown to elicit high expression of IFN-y. The stimulation Of high IFN-y transcription In PBMCs by these 4 peptides was further Confirmed inreal-time PCR. The Sequence alignment revealed that the epitope represented by peptide M6 was fullyconserved in all of examined 42 North American genotype II PRRSV isolates and the epitopes representedby peptides M3, M8 and M12 showed 2-4 amino acid replacements. The finding of 4 T-cell immunodom-inant epitopes in the M protein of PRRSV will be beneficial to the understanding of the development of cell-mediatedimmunity.
通过田间试验,研究了粉煤灰、秸秆干馏液和生物肥配合共4 种不同调控处理措施对强酸性高硒茶园土壤硒有效性和土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明,4 种调控措施不同程度地提高了土壤中有效硒含量和茶叶硒含量,由高到低依次为:生物肥处理>粉煤灰-秸秆干馏液-生物肥复合处理>粉煤灰-生物肥复合处理>秸秆干馏液-生物肥复合处理;对土壤pH 值的提高幅度的大小次序为:粉煤灰-秸秆干馏液-生物肥复合处理>粉煤灰-生物肥复
随着畜禽养殖业的发展和饲料中Cu、Zn 等动物所需元素添加量的增加,畜禽粪便中的Cu、Zn 已成为土壤重金属的重要来源,因此,研究畜禽粪便/土壤体系中重金属Cu、Zn的迁移累积规律,对于正确评价畜禽便中重金属 Cu、Zn的污染效应具有重要意义。本文通过不同养殖场鸡猪牛粪便自然堆放条件下粪便和土壤样品的采集和实验室分析,研究了吉林省部分养殖场不同类型畜禽粪便Cu、Zn 含量,以及粪便自然堆放对土壤C
本文调查了蛋鸡养殖场粪便产生量及处理利用现状等基本资料,选点采集养殖场配套龙眼园的土壤样品,通过分析测定有机质、全氮、全磷、铜、锌等指标,探讨了施用蛋鸡粪对龙眼园土壤质量的影响,并对龙眼园土壤环境现状进行评价。结果表明,该养殖场龙眼园土壤粪便当量负荷为19.14 t·hm-2,未超过警戒值;施用蛋鸡粪的龙眼园土壤中有机质等指标受季节、采样区和采样点等因素的影响,其中B 采样区和C 采样区在夏季、秋
以砂壤土为研究对象,采用1 次平衡法,研究了不同pH 值对重金属Cd2+吸附特性的影响,在此基础上对等温吸附进行模拟分析。结果表明,土壤对Cd2+吸附的pH 值影响敏感阈值范围为pH<7。所引入的平衡浓度与吸附量之间的模型ln(S)=K1×CK2能较好地模拟不同pH 值条件下的等温吸附规律。其次为Freundilich 模型,Henry 模型较适用于低pH 值条件下的模拟分析。
采用好气培养方法,研究了砖红壤中施用硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)时,DCD 添加量及土壤理化性质如温度、含水量、有机质含量、pH 等对硝化抑制效果的影响。在25 ℃时,当DCD 添加量为10 mg·kg-1土时,硝化作用出现明显的延迟期,且抑制效果可持续至少8周。培养温度由10 ℃升高到30 ℃,硝化抑制作用持续时间由90d 降为30 d。在20 ℃时,砖红壤中添加硝化抑制剂DCD具有最佳效果,在第
本试验比较观察第一极体(The first polar body, pbⅠ), Oosight imaging system观察和hocchst33342染色法对第二次减数分裂中期(Metaphase II,MⅡ)卵母细胞判定结果的相关性分析,并探讨卵巢皮质细胞(porcine ovarian cortex cells, pOCCs),猪输卵管上皮细胞(porcine oviductal epit
从156头荷斯坦奶牛中筛选亚临床酮病奶牛69头(1.0mmol/L≤血清β-羟丁酸<2.6mmol/L,乳汁体细胞数<200 000/mL)作为试验组,根据年龄、胎次、产奶量、泌乳天数配对的69头未发生酮病的奶牛作为对照组(血液β-羟丁酸<1.0mmol/L,乳汁体细胞数<200 000/mL)。监测乳房炎发病情况、抗氧化功能和免疫功能的变化,结果显示亚临床酮病奶牛乳房炎的发病率为43.48%,对
本研究共从来自上海地区活禽批发市场、集贸市场和种禽场临床健康鸡群中分离、鉴定H9N2禽流感病毒株404株。活禽批发市场分离率为4.56%(248/5442);集贸市场为3.03%(155/5118);种禽场为0.01%(1/9624)。不同年份的分离率分别为:2006年2.80%,2007年2.46%, 2008年1.33%, 2009年2.63%,2010年1.42%。将2006年到2010年连
The reed vole, Microtus fortis, is the only known mammalian host in which schistosomes of Schistosoma japonicum areunable to mature and cause significant pathogenesis. However, little is known about h