Digital Documenting for Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

来源 :第四届国际遥感考古会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jifaling1
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  Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes located in the ancient Silk Road of China,preserves 735 caves,over 45 thousand square meters painted murals,2415 bodies of painted sculptures and 5 ancient Dou-gong buildings.In 1987,Mogao Grottoes was designated as world cultural heritage.But in recent years,due to the damage from human activities and the natural environment,the mogao Grottoes are facing the crisis of accelerated extinction.In order to preserve the mogao Grottoes permanently in the digital way,from 2007 to 2012,Wuhan University launched a series of mapping programs over Mogao Grottoes area: using airborne laser scanning to get the terrain and landform around the Mogao Grottoes,using terrestrial laser scanning to abtain the data of culture heritage and fa?ade of cliff,using the fixed baseline stereo camera to acquire the data of ancient building and using the precise control surveys to integrate all these data into a uniform world coordinates.According to the particularity of the cultural heritage data and problems encountered during the data processing,some key algorithms were developed,such as fast triangulation of terrestrial laser scanning data based on spherical projection and high fidelity texture reconstruction.Finally the dgital documents of the relics in Mogao Grottoes and the surrounding virtual geographic environment are established for the study,archaeology,art and protection of the Mogao Grottoes cultural heritage.
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