【摘 要】
We have presented characteristic of precipitating energetic ions/electrons associated with the wave-particle interaction in the plasmaspheric plume during the geomagnetic storm on July 18,2005 with ob
【机 构】
School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, P. R. China
【出 处】
We have presented characteristic of precipitating energetic ions/electrons associated with the wave-particle interaction in the plasmaspheric plume during the geomagnetic storm on July 18,2005 with observations of the NOAA satellite,IMAGE satellites and Finnish network of search coil magnetometers.Conjugate observations of the NOAA satellite and the Finnish network of search coil magnetometers have demonstrated that a sharp enhancement of the precipitating ion flux is a result of ring current (RC) ions scattered into the loss cone by EMIC waves.Those precipitating RC ions lead to a detached subauroral proton arc observed by the IMAGE FUV.In addition,with observations of the NOAA satellite,the peak of precipitating electron flux was equatorward to that of precipitating proton flux,which is in agreement with the region separation of ELF hiss and EMIC waves observed by the Cluster C1.We demonstrate the link between the wave activities (ELF hiss,EMIC waves) in plasmaspheric plumes and energetic ion/electron precipitation at ionospheric altitudes.Therefore,it is an important characteristic of plasmaspheric plumes-RC-ionosphere interaction during a geomagnetic storm that the precipitation of energetic protons is latitudinally separated from that of energetic electrons.Plasmaspheric plumes; Ring current ions.
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