Novel sheathless nano-electrospray microdevices and hyphenation of capillary electrochromatography w

来源 :DaLian Internationall Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatogra | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changkou
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  Two major approaches will be presented in this work.First, a novel integrated capillary electrochromatography (CEC)-electrospray ionization (ESI)-mass spectrometry (MS) micro-device with nanoflow was developed for the analysis of amino acids and peptides.Nafion tubing junction was employed in the ESI interface.Lupamin, a high molecular weight linear positively charged polyvinylamine polymer coated on the inner wall of open-tubular capillary generates strong electroosmotic flow for supporting a steady nanoelectrospray and works as the stationary phase for providing the chromatographic selectivity for resolving amino acids and peptides and minimizing analyte adsorption.The device is very reliable and reproducible for CEC-ESI-MS analysis of amino acids and peptides for over a hundred operations.
“中国现在领导了世界的和平,所以我最大的心愿就是晚年到中国定居,并一直为此而努力……”  4月的一天,在美国老太太牧琳爱家的小院,牧琳爱坐在椅子上,神情专注地往一些花盆内撒土。她银白的头发束向脑后,鼻梁上架着一副大方框的茶色眼镜。  牧琳爱的家在山东省聊城市阳谷县安乐镇刘庙村,她的小院里绽放着满院的水仙花,老人已将养花当作了一门学问来钻研,目前已有百余种花草。四周的院墙上,是她亲手绘就的大幅壁画。
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