Since the middle of the 19th century, the Korean nation in northeast China has gradually formed a new cross-border ethnic group from North Korean immigrants. Since North Korea was forcibly annexed by Japanese imperialism in 1910, North Korean patriots have successively relocated to northeastern China and continue to carry out anti-Japanese revolutionary movements based on the Korean ethnic community with the sympathetic support of local governments and the general public. At the beginning of the birth of the Communist Party of China, following the Marxist-Leninist theory of nationhood and its sympathetic and supportive attitude toward the anti-Japanese war in the northeast Korean nation, it has consistently and consistently carried out a long-term struggle for the realization of equality, solidarity and liberation among all ethnic groups. Beginning in the 1920s, the anti-Japanese struggle of northeast and north Korean nationalities shifted from a purely nationalist movement to a communist movement. The newly formed Northeastern Chinese Communist Party Party began to understand and understand the anti-Japanese movement of the Korean nation and its characteristics. In order to achieve their common goal The revolutionary goal set the first guidelines and policies. Beginning in 1930, a large number of northeastern and northeastern Korean communists joined the CPC’s Northeastern party organization and, under the unified leadership of the Communist Party of China, directly devoted themselves to the Chinese revolutionary movement and began composing a new chapter in the history of revolution.