The phenomenal characteristics of nano-material and the concept of the solar chimney have been integrated together to judiciously convert any high-rise building into a zero-energy-use building.The new design comprises a nano-based air solar reactor that absorbs and stores thermal solar energy at temperatures above 300℃, to effectively supply it through a number of adept systems to perform useful work.The main objective of the air solar reactor is to create an air updraft when fitted into the vertical air shaft of a high-rise building and perform as a solar chimney to produce electric power.The air solar reactor is also designed with the capability to operate an absorption chiller, a hot-water system, and a small water desalination unit.Several surfaces of the air solar reactor have been covered with nano-based material to efficiently control thermal energy flow as required.The nano-based air solar reactor provides a convenient cost-effective and practical way to convert any high-rise building into a zero-energy-use green building.