Systematic study on the genetic interaction network of cell cycle in budding and fission yeast using

来源 :中国物理学会2013年秋季学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mfktadxxxa
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  Genetic interactions (GIs) refer to the phenomenon where the phenotype of one gene is affected by another,which are usually related to function.Epistatic miniarray profile (E-MAP) is a strategy to generate comprehensive and quantitative genetic interaction maps.By measuring colony size of the mutants,it can quantify genetic interactions.In this study,we generated the genetic interaction networks of cell cycle in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe by E-MAP,trying to understand the relationships between cell cycle and other cellular events,as well as reveal the conservation and rewiring of cell cycle by comparing the genetic-interaction networks between these two yeast species.
高次谐波是激光与物质相互作用过程中出现的一种高阶非线性效应。气体环境下的高次谐波现象发现较早,理论和实验研究相对成熟。利用气体介质的谐波发射,当前不仅获得了“水窗”波段的极紫外相干光源[1],且已在实验上实现了67 阿秒孤立短脉冲的输出[2]。
应用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理的计算,研究了石墨烯薄膜上的纳米孔对于H2 分子的分解,并同时隔离开生成物(两个氢原子)的作用。我们发现,在硼原子修饰的石墨烯纳米孔处缺陷处局域化的π 电子云,形成了反向的电子涡旋,并产生了两个方向相反的局域性纳米尺度的推力,可有效地把H2 分子分解为两个氢原子,并且同时,把产生的两个氢原子分别隔离在石墨烯薄膜不同的两侧。
原子激发态间光谱可应用于高分辨光谱、频率标准、原子的双色激光冷却与俘获等多个方面。传统光学双共振(OODR:Optical-Optical Double Resonance)技术是获得原子激发态间光谱的有力工具。但由于这种技术探测的是阶梯型三能级原子中间态的布居数变化,对于中间态到基态的自发辐射率较大的原子体系,谱线信噪比较低。
A microscopic activated barrier hopping theory of single-particle dynamics in glassy fluids is generalized to two-dimensional situation.
Recent years the community of the complex networks have drawn great researching enthusiasm from many scholars[1].A community is,loosely speaking,a subgraph that has an intrasubgraph link density that