The effects of endovenous radiofrequency ablation on coagulation and the vein wall in an experimenta

来源 :2016第十二届亚太介入放射学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MK654321
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  Endovenous radiofrequency ablation(RFA)has been introduced as a less invasive alternative to traditional surgery for varicose veins,but vein thrombosis after RFA remains a concern.
Objective: To observe the changes of sensitivity to doxorubicin on breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells cultured as three dimensional model or monolayer.
Background: Emerging evidence indicates that microRNA(miR)-340 is downregulated in various human cancers,suggesting that it acts as a tumor suppressor.
Pancreatic cancer is a devastating disease with proclivity for early metastasis,which accounts for its poor prognosis.
Two-dimensional(2D)MoS2 nanosheets have attracted tremendous attention in recent years owing to their various fascinating properties especially near-infrared(NIR)photothermal feature.
Purpose: To establish an ideal orthotopic transplantation tumor model of SD rat for interventional therapy study simulating TACE,explore the probability of further study in Liver oncology.
Objective: To analysis the effective of hematopoietic stem cells which enriched with CD34+on angiogenesis in ischemic hind limbs.
Objective: To explore the feasibility of transauricular arterial access for hepatic artery catheterization and venous blood collection via jugular vein for pharmacokinetics in rabbits.
Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of a swine model of thrombotic inferior vena cava(IVC)occlusion(IVCO)created by autologous thrombus injection with assistance of intra-caval net knitting.
Objective: This study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy followed by 125I seed brachytherapy for experimental vx2 liver cancer in rabbits Methods: VX
Purpose: Diabetic foot ulcer(DFU)is an intractable diabetic complication.Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus(DM)frequently present with infected DFU.