
来源 :标准科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuyingheng
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2005年11月13日中石油吉林石化公司发生爆炸,导致大量污染物流入松花江水体,造成了总长度超过了1000公里的江面污染,下游城市大范围停水,给生产生活带来了严重影响。2008年年初我国南方地区严重的低温雨雪天气过程,致使我国南方近20个省(区、市)遭受历史罕见的冰冻灾害,使得交通运输、能源供应、电力传输等方面的生产受到极为严重的影响,此次灾难最终导致一亿多人口受灾,直接经济损失达540多亿元。可以看到,传统事故与非传统的 November 13, 2005 PetroChina Jilin Petrochemical Company exploded, leading to a large number of pollutants into the Songhua River water body, resulting in a total length of more than 1,000 km of river pollution, a large area of ​​downstream cities without water, have a serious impact on production and life . In the early of 2008, the severe low temperature rainy and snowy weather processes in the southern part of our country led to the rare freezing disaster in nearly 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in southern China, which made the production of transportation, energy supply and power transmission severely affected As a result, the disaster eventually led to more than 100 million people suffering from direct economic losses of more than 54 billion yuan. As you can see, traditional accidents and non-traditional ones
涉世之初,他走进虚拟的精神家园  1982年,19岁的罗布· 安德鲁以优异的成绩考入了俄克拉荷马州一所知名的大学,主修商务管理专业。期间,他同时还进修了商业广告和艺术设计专业。  1988年春天,大学毕业的罗布应聘于一家实力雄厚的广告公司,担任平面广告策划工作。因为他是个新人,很少有客户愿意用自家的产品给他做“实验”。两个月下来,他没有谈成一笔业务,业务没有进展,更谈不上什么酬劳和薪水,失落和沮丧