【摘 要】
One benefit of SOA is from service composition which combines existing services to form a new valued-added service in the form of business process. This also cr
One benefit of SOA is from service composition which combines existing services to form a new valued-added service in the form of business process. This also creates the need to ensure that the performance of those composite services meets the business requirements. This paper proposes a method for evaluating the performance of composite services. We automatically transform a composite service modeled by BPEL,into performance model based on Layered Queuing Networks(LQN) and then leverage existing LQN solvers to predict their performance. The inputs to our transformation algorithm are an XML file which contains eService composition model complying with the BPEL4WS specification,a related performance profile and eService topology. The output of the model is the corresponding LQN model which can be directly analyzed using existing LQN solvers.
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“千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。”我国著名数学家、教育家熊庆来可谓既是千里马又是伯乐。他是我国函数论研究的一位先驱与主要开拓者,也是我国近代数学研究与高等数学教育的一位奠基者。他曾在东南大学和清华大学,参与创建数学系和主持系务及教学工作,培育了一批优秀的学生,成长为杰出的数理专家。 1893年,熊庆来出生于云南省彌勒县。他曾三次赴欧,主要在法国学习和从事研究工作,总计逾17年。他第一次赴欧是1913