The Impact of Tpp on State Owned Enterprises of Tpp Countries

来源 :第十一届亚太地区烟草或健康大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DIWUTANG
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  In the past the tobacco industry used trade agreements to force entry into closed markets in many Asian countries and also to challenge the legality of proposed tobacco control legislation.
Social media plays an important and innovative role in the information,education,and communication activities of civil society organizations involved in tobacco control.
Smoking prevalence in Indonesia has increase significantly from 27 percent in 1995 to 34.7 percent in 2010.Increasing cigarette price is an effective measure to decrease cigarette consumption.
Significant and back ground; Thai health ministry increasing the graphic health warnings(HWG)size on cigarette package from to be 85% are attacked by Major international tobacco companies,a legal chal
Background: Social media is becoming popular among Bangladeshi people as one of the important mediums of communications.
「華文戒菸網」由非政府組織-董氏基金會建置上線,是單一菸害防制訴求網站,從2007 年下半年開始至 2016 年中,網站瀏覽達8 千3 百萬人次,是以單一菸害防制訴求並公開記錄最高瀏覽人次的華文網站,探究其維持平均每年860 萬人次瀏覽率的網站行銷策略如下: 1、網站行銷策略: 「華文戒菸網」於2007 年 底建置,曾於2011 年全面改版,以正體中文為主,簡體中文為輔,經常性的網站資料更新,提供
[背景]國際Quit & Win「戒菸就贏比賽」是世界衛生組織(WHO)曾經唯一支持的國際性成人戒菸比賽,由WHO 及芬蘭國家公共衛生部每兩年主辦一次。吸菸的「參賽者」與不吸菸的「見證人」兩人一組,依國際最初規定的參賽條件、報名方式、活動期程舉辦「戒菸嘉年華」。
Background: Tobacco advertisements at the point of sale(POS)are an important means for the tobacco industry to market to kids.
臺灣自2002 年首度引進「Quit and Win 戒菸就贏」以來,至今已成功舉辦過八屆比賽,共吸引近20 萬名菸癮者體驗戒菸。 為成為民眾討論的話題,吸引媒體願意義務傳播,2016「戒菸就贏比賽」採用「名人吸睛」的宣傳策略,邀請甜美良善又親和的昆凌擔任代言人,以霹靂嬌娃的造型及閃電光束特效,呈現科技和未來感,用使命必達的魄力號召「姐姐妹妹站出來,哥哥弟弟一起來」,更凸顯「戒菸就是未來時尚」!
BACKGROUND: Chinas revised national Advertising Law went into effect on September 1,2015.It prohibits tobacco advertising to minors in any form and comprehensively bans tobacco advertising in public p
[目的]了解烟草广告和促销对青岛市初中生吸烟情况的影响,为开展学校控烟工作提供科学依据.[方法]于2014 年9-11 月,采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,抽取山东省青岛市44 所初中6 155 名初中生为调查对象,采用全球青少年烟草调查核心问卷,了解青少年烟草使用情况、烟草广告和促销暴露等内容,对数据加权后,采用SPSS 19.0 软件进行分析.