本文介绍了国际上50~60年代问世的微晶玻璃(也称零膨胀玻璃,美国称Cer-Vit,德国称Zerodur,苏联称СИТТАЛ)是当前天文光学镜面的理想材料。由中国科学院投资,这种材料已在上海新沪玻璃厂试制成功,经七、八年的努力,该厂已能提供直径2.3m,厚为360mm 或更大些的微晶玻璃镜坯。微晶玻璃除用于天文镜面外,对一些要求热变形小的反光元件或结构均可采用,推广到其他领域也是一种很有前途的新材料,其价格仅是熔石英的1/20~1/30。
This article presents the international publication of 50-60 years of glass ceramics (also known as zero-expansion glass, the United States said Cer-Vit, Germany said Zerodur, the Soviet Union said СИТТАЛ) is the ideal material for astronomical optics mirror. The investment by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this material has been successfully trial-produced in Shanghai Shanghai Glass Factory, after seven or eight years of hard work, the plant has been able to provide glass 2.3m diameter, thickness of 360mm or larger glass-ceramic lens blank. In addition to astronomical glass-ceramic used in the mirror, for some require thermal deformation of small reflective components or structures can be used to promote other areas is also a promising new material, the price is only 1/20 ~ 1/30.