【摘 要】
Substances of abuse affect cognition in a number of ways.One of its indirect effects include craving, which has been an important factor to relapse to substance abuse.Peer-induced craving is a powerfu
【机 构】
MSc,Forensic Toxicology,Department of Forensics Vet Medicine/Forensics Pharmacy,Health Science Cente
Substances of abuse affect cognition in a number of ways.One of its indirect effects include craving, which has been an important factor to relapse to substance abuse.Peer-induced craving is a powerful form of this construct.The brain mechanisms involved in drug craving or the urge have been studied in recent years.As the social contagion and wrong association in peer groups are the main causes to substance abuse and relapse, understanding the mechanisms involved in processing a peers thought and behavior will be beneficial in the rehabilitation treatment.This literature review highlights the short-term neurotoxieity of drugs of abuse and its long-term consequence of cognitive deficits in the brain and mind of abusers, including adults, adolescences and prenatal exposure of drugs of abuse, as well as the genetic factors associated.The review also provides a window into complex social-cognitive relations in which drug abusers not only try to think of what the other abusers are thinking or behaving, but also attempt to measure and seek craving responses to external and internal related stimuli-i.e.why and what the others craving reaction affect ones thoughts and behaviors.
目的 报道我院一例手部奇异性骨旁骨软骨瘤样增生患者,并分析其临床和影像学表现以及病理形态学特征及鉴别诊断要点.材料和方法 患者刘某某,女,33岁,住院号846326,以左手背高起、不适8个月入院.曾有局部碰伤史.查体:左手背第五掌骨头附近处局限性隆起,肿物大小约2.0cm*2.0cm,质硬,固定,与皮肤无粘连,无明显压痛,局部皮温不高,主动伸屈小指活动基本正常.X片报告左手第5掌骨皮质旁骨性肿物,
目的:总结血管球瘤的临床特点,探讨对血管球瘤的诊断和治疗.方法:对201 1年1 1月-2013年8月,我科收治的20例血管球瘤患者进行回顾性分析.其中女1 7例,男3例.肿瘤位于甲下15例,指腹4例,指侧1例.单发1 8例,多指多发1例,单指多发1例.手指19例,足趾1例.病程为3个月~10年.临床表现以肿瘤部位局限性压痛为主,遇冷加重.部分病例X线检查可见指骨切迹.20例均在显微镜下行肿瘤切除
目的 研究指端不同损伤的修复方法。方法 ①手部组织转移或移位:指残端V—Y成形,指神经血管岛状皮瓣,示指背侧岛状皮瓣,邻指皮瓣,鱼际皮瓣;②足趾组织移植:拇甲皮瓣,拇趾腓侧皮瓣,第二趾骨甲皮瓣,第二足趾胫侧皮瓣,部分第二足趾移植;③远位皮瓣:腹部超薄皮瓣,胸三角皮瓣,交臂皮瓣修复指端脱套伤;④再植:指端再植,断指异位再植,指腹再植,拟弃断指剔骨皮瓣移植。结果 对196例232指指端损伤修复均获成功
目的:总结幼儿指尖断指再植的临床特点及疗效.方法:对2012年8月—2013年8月,我科收治的10例1 1指指尖断指再植进行回顾性分析.其中女4例,男6例,年龄1岁~6岁,平均3岁.单指指尖离断9例,多指指尖离断1例.所有病例均为完全离断,致伤原因多为挤压或切割.10例指尖离断均在显微镜下行再植手术,术中吻合1条~2条动脉,0条~1条静脉,0条~2条神经.术后给予小剂量肝素抗凝.结果:术后10例1
目的 探讨复杂手外伤早期修复与功能重建的临床经验和策略。方法 自2011年11月至2013年5月处理20例手部复杂外伤患者,一期修复18例,二期修复2例,其中皮瓣修复创面+拇手指再造5例,皮瓣修复创面+肌腱、神经移植3例,单纯皮瓣修复创面7例,血管桥接再植3例,游离骨移植2例。平均手术时间在20小时以上。结果 术后严重感染致截肢一例,余皮瓣及再造拇手指均成活,骨移植愈合,手功能恢复满意。结论 复杂