Compound hypertonic saline solution and a serious water restriction plus high furosemide dose showed beneficial effects in compensated heart failure in Short-term and long-term.The aimed of the present study was to evaluate the effects of this combination on hospitalization time, readmission and mortality in patients in new York heart association (NYHA) class Ⅲ-Ⅳ.Method: Chronic ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy uncompensated patients with HF in NYHA Ⅲ-Ⅳ were single-blind randomized in 2 groups: the first group received a 2-hours intravenous infusion of furosemide (100mg) plus compound HSS (100mL) twice daily and a serious water restriction (500 mL/d); the second hospitalization(NYHA Ⅳ class)group received furosemide intravenous bolus (100 mg) twice a day, without compound HSS and a waterrestriction (500 mL/d); both groups received a normal-sodium (120 mmol sodium) intake.After discharge, the two group continued with 500 mL water/d.Results: A total of 224 hospitalized patients with HF(NYHA class Ⅲ-Ⅳ) were enrolled in the study.the first group (112 compound HSS patients), compared with the second (112 without compound HSS patients),showed an increase in diuresis and serum Na levels, a reduction in hospitalization time and Hospitalization costs, There are a Significant lower rate in readmissions and mortality during follow-up (36months).Conclusion: our result appear to suggest that periodical compound HSS administration, combined with serious water restriction and a normal sodium diet, reduces hospitalization time and Significant lower the readmission rate and mortality rate in patients with NYHA class Ⅲ-Ⅳ.