Short-term and long-term effect of compound hypertonic saline solution in patients with compensated

来源 :第七届华北长城心脏病学会议、河北省心血管病学2014年会暨第三届经前臂(桡/尺)动脉微创化冠脉介入治疗国际论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l444715055
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  Compound hypertonic saline solution and a serious water restriction plus high furosemide dose showed beneficial effects in compensated heart failure in Short-term and long-term.The aimed of the present study was to evaluate the effects of this combination on hospitalization time, readmission and mortality in patients in new York heart association (NYHA) class Ⅲ-Ⅳ.Method: Chronic ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy uncompensated patients with HF in NYHA Ⅲ-Ⅳ were single-blind randomized in 2 groups: the first group received a 2-hours intravenous infusion of furosemide (100mg) plus compound HSS (100mL) twice daily and a serious water restriction (500 mL/d); the second hospitalization(NYHA Ⅳ class)group received furosemide intravenous bolus (100 mg) twice a day, without compound HSS and a waterrestriction (500 mL/d); both groups received a normal-sodium (120 mmol sodium) intake.After discharge, the two group continued with 500 mL water/d.Results: A total of 224 hospitalized patients with HF(NYHA class Ⅲ-Ⅳ) were enrolled in the study.the first group (112 compound HSS patients), compared with the second (112 without compound HSS patients),showed an increase in diuresis and serum Na levels, a reduction in hospitalization time and Hospitalization costs, There are a Significant lower rate in readmissions and mortality during follow-up (36months).Conclusion: our result appear to suggest that periodical compound HSS administration, combined with serious water restriction and a normal sodium diet, reduces hospitalization time and Significant lower the readmission rate and mortality rate in patients with NYHA class Ⅲ-Ⅳ.
作者经过二十几年探索研制的"穴位敷贴膏"是各种疑难病症的克星,它见效快,治愈率高,纯中药制剂,无毒副作用,是医学界义一创新,它能经得起医学界和世人的考验,常言说:"不通则痛,痛则不通", 穴位敷贴膏主要敷贴阿是穴,它是通过皮肤供药,为了调动和聚集白细胞,攻击病毒,达到治愈疾病的目的,是以膏代针的发泡疗法,说白了,就是自己治疗自己,也就是增强人体免疫能力,至于本膏用法首先应诊断人体疾病所在经络穴位,
目的:探讨生长分化因子-15(growth differentiation factor-15,GDF-15)基因rs4808793位点多态性与承德地区汉族人群中冠心病急性心肌梗死发病风险的相关性.方法:采用连接酶检测反应法(ligase detection reaction,LDR)的方法对112例急性心肌梗死患者和60例健康对照者GDF-15基因rs4808793位点进行多态性分析.结果:在心
急性心肌梗死患者因冠状动脉急性闭塞,心肌细胞缺血、缺氧而诱发血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF )异常升高;急诊PCI术迅速开通闭塞冠状动脉,心肌缺血、缺氧迅速改善,血清VEGF水平会迅速下降,而VEGF在PCI术后再狭窄作用上研究报道呈双向性,既有促进内皮修复,改善局部内皮功能和防止血栓形成等积极的意义,也有报道因VEGF刺激内皮细胞