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孔夫子与毛泽东,中国古今两个伟大“圣人”。他们之间有何关联,论者众说纷纭。毛泽东对孔夫子的态度与评价因历史时期的不同而有所变化,甚为复杂。总起来看,毛泽东对孔子取历史主义态度,充分肯定孔子在中国历史上的地位。他在批评孔子消极思想的同时,注意吸取孔子思想中有价值的因素,用以丰富自己的思想。毛泽东从孔子及儒家思想中吸取和发挥的主要内容有:经世致用、实事求是的精神;独立自主、自强不息的精神;德治思想和人生修养论;中庸思想;教育思想;大同理想。 Confucius and Mao Zedong, China ancient and modern two great “saints”. There is a lot of controversy among them about how they relate to each other. Mao Zedong’s attitude and evaluation of Confucius changed a lot from one historical period to another, which is quite complicated. In summary, Mao Tse-tung took a historicist attitude toward Confucius and fully affirmed Confucius’s position in Chinese history. While criticizing Confucius’s negative thoughts, he paid attention to drawing valuable elements in Confucian thought and enriching his own thoughts. The main contents that Mao Zedong draws from Confucius and Confucianism include the following: the spirit of seeking truth from facts, the spirit of seeking truth from facts, the spirit of independence and self-reliance, the theory of virtue and the theory of life, the doctrine of the mean, the educational thought, and the ideals of common ground.
庄默石,字秉乾,号古燕散人。著名书法篆刻家、中国民间文艺家协会印刻艺术专业委员会主任、中国书画艺术委员会常务理事、中国书法家协会会员、中华伏羲文化研究会理事、《东方书画》杂志编委、北京吉利大学教授。   1953年生,京城著名印人庄半石先生之幼子,自幼秉承家学,潜研金石翰墨,旨在弘扬中华民族传统艺术。其技艺既承袭半石先生集书法、刀法、章法、功法于方寸之间的“半石印风”,又注重吸纳当代各名家流派的印