
来源 :明史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangxiaoyan0307
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明朝初年,对外联系极其频繁,中西交通大开。至今为中外学者所津津乐道的,首推郑和下西洋的壮举。然而,明初与郑和自海路七下西洋交相辉映的,是傅安、陈诚等从陆路出使西域。当时的陆路交通,也曾作为明统治者全面对外政策体现的一部分,反映出明太祖朱元璋和太宗朱棣的雄心勃勃。海陆并举,堪称中西交通史上的盛事。对于郑和与陈诚的出使业绩,早已为学界所瞩目,研究成果也颇为丰硕。而曾六次出使西域的傅安,却因无出使记录留传,《明史》又未立传可供稽考,其人其事久已湮沉,鲜见专门论述。本文试对傅安这一明初中西交通的重要使者的生平事迹加以钩稽,以期有裨于明史及明初中外关系史的研究。 In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, external relations were extremely frequent and traffic between China and the West opened wider. So far as Chinese and foreign scholars relish, devaluation of Zheng He’s feat under the West. However, at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty and Zheng He’s visit to the Western Corridor from the seashore, it was Fu An and Chen Cheng who enrolled in the Western Regions from land. At the time, land transport was also part of the overall foreign policy of the Ming rulers, reflecting the ambitious ambitions of the Ming Taizu emperor and Taizong Zhu Di. Both land and sea, called the history of traffic in China and the West event. For Zheng He and Chen Cheng’s performance, has long been the focus of the academic community, the research results are quite substantial. However, Fu An, who had ambushed the Western Regions for six times, failed to keep records of his stay. However, “History of Ming Dynasty” was not yet available for reference. His own story has long been obscured, with little discussion. This paper attempts to make a futile study of the life story of Fu An, an important messenger of the Sino-Western traffic in the early Ming Dynasty, in the hope of helping to study the history of the Ming and early Sino-foreign relations in the early Ming Dynasty.
<正>目的:观察持续前房灌注下玻切术后无晶体眼人工晶体植入术的眼部炎症反应和疗效。方法:前房型人工晶体植入6 例,悬吊人工晶体植入1例,均为玻切术后无晶体眼3月以上,年龄35