Microseismic events locatingis of utmost importance in seismic exploration,especially in the exploitation process of the unconventional oil and gas resources.Traditional seismic locatingmethods often require clear vertical and horizontal wave travel time information.In this paper,we adopt an approach which use the observed wave field to reversely propagate in timeand then considered the wave fieldas the boundary value for the reverse modeling.Assuming velocity model is accurate,the reversely modelled wave field focuses on the hypocenterof the microseismicevent.In addition,we focus on using the GPU to accelerate the computation of key kernels.Our 3D GPU-based elastic locatingmodeling tests achieved a 20x speedup relative to an OpenMP CPU implementation run on a four-core machine.These GPU-based speedup improvementsallows us to model 3D elastic locating of microseismic eventsat lower hardware cost and with fewer totalcompute resources than heretofore possible.