【摘 要】
The past 25 years have seen considerable progress in the development of microfabricated systems for use in the chemical and biological sciences.Interest in
【机 构】
【出 处】
2016年大连国际微纳流体和微流控芯片大会(2016 International Conference of Micro
The past 25 years have seen considerable progress in the development of microfabricated systems for use in the chemical and biological sciences.Interest in microfluidic technology has driven by concomitant advances in the areas of genomics, proteomics, drug discovery,high-throughput screening and diagnostics, with a clearly defined need to perform rapid measurements on small sample volumes.At a basic level, microfluidic activities have been stimulated by the fact that physical processes can be more easily controlled when instrumental dimensions are reduced to the micron scale.1 The relevance of such technology is significant and characterized by a range of features that accompany system miniaturization.Such features include the ability to process small volumes of fluid, enhanced analytical performance, reduced instrumental footprints, low unit costs, facile integration of functional components within monolithic substrates and the capacity to exploit atypical fluid behaviour to control chemical and biological entities in both time and space.
APC即复方阿司匹林,内含阿司匹林,非那西汀及咖啡因等,是常用的解热镇痛药。有时小儿高烧,为使孩子的体温尽快降下来,用点APC是有益而有效的,但婴幼儿最好不用。 APC的解热
传说中,有一位青铜巨人,他浑身的皮肤都坚硬无比,像青铜一样刀枪不入,打起仗来所向披靡,几乎没有敌手。这个巨人被誉为最伟大的英雄,受到了人们的膜拜。 有一次,青铜巨人率领军队攻打一个部落。尽管拥有无数个战功赫赫的将军,但这个部落还是被巨人的猛烈攻势弄得束手无策。部落首领亲自上阵,率领部落里所有的弓箭手一字排开,在城墙上万箭齐发。可是,青铜巨人丝毫没有受傷,他的皮肤在箭雨中依旧安然无恙。部落首领
Scientific Design Company,Inc.公司简介A Chemical Process Technology Company一家化工工艺技术公司Develops,evolves,commercializes and licenses technology to a worl
具有交换功能,最多可有960通道进行交换,每一通道都可以用于入中继或出中继;2.048Mbps 数字中继接口(以一对75欧同轴电缆直接与程控交换机连接),每块数字中继语音卡接一对数