Calcium Cyanamide (Rongbao(R)), Evaluation of its Efficacy on Musca domestica Linnaeus in the Labora

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  Objective Background:Filth flies such as housefly (Musca domestica Linnaeus),the Australian sheep blowfly (Lucilia cuprina Wiedmann),the common green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata Meigen),and the oriental latrine fly (Chrysomya megacephala Fabricius) commonly found in China have plagued man since prehistory times.Insecticidal application for fly control in this region has led to some problems.There are abundant literatures which revealed that calcium cyanamide (calcium cyanamide) had bioactive efficacy to many organisms.In this study,we used calcium cyanamide to test its efficacy to housefly.Methods Maggots together with their larval rearing medium were prepared to place into a 100ml beaker and mixed gently and evenly using glass rod.10g complex was fetched from 100ml beaker and introduced into a 25ml beaker.Rongbao? dust were added to the mixed larval rearing medium and gently mixed again.The 25ml beaker was covered by a gauze fastened tightly using a rubber band.Dead maggots in the complex were singled out,counted and recorded every day until 72 hours of deadline that we previously defined.Results Our laboratory bioassays showed that calcium cyanamide (at dosage of approximately 2% (W/W)) resulted in average mortality rate of 37.67% on day 1 and 100% on day 2,compared with average mortality rate of 34.51% on day 1,89.80% on day 2 and 100% on day 3 at dosage of approximately 1% (W/W).Conclusion This outcome demonstrates that the application of calcium cyanamide can be used as part of filth flies integrated management.
Objective Aedes koreicus (Diptera:Culicidae) maybe a native species to Asia,but it is also invasive or imported between regions.This study presents the distribution of this mosquito species in Shandon
目的:了解全自动静电吸附诱蚊监测灯(以下简称静电诱蚊灯)在蚊虫监测中的运用效果,为开展科学规范的蚊虫调查或监测方法提供参考.方法:选择嘉定区所有13个乡镇,为期5年用静电诱蚊灯观察蚊虫密度监测效果,同时选1个点比较静电诱蚊灯和吸入式诱蚊灯监测蚊虫密度、种类的差异,比较2种诱蚊灯监测蚊种构成比和季节消长趋势的相关性.结果:静电诱蚊灯采用253,7 nm紫外线光谱,对本地区常见蚊种引诱率较强,与吸入式
The mosquito gut accommodates a dynamic microbial community,which profoundly affects various life traits of the host mosquitoes.To characterize the metagenomic composition and functionality in the mos
基于深圳市2005-2012年流行性出血热(hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome,HFRS)逐月发病率建立预测深圳市HFRS的最优时间序列分析的自回归求和移动平均模型(auto regressive integrated moving aver age,ARIMA),利用2013年逐月HFRS发病率回代检验模型的预测效果,根据预测值与实际值的相对误差判断模型的
目的:探讨沙鼠自然疫源地鼠情监测及干预性灭鼠措施,为动物间鼠疫的防控提供指导.方法:鼠疫主要宿主监测采取一日弓形夹法.采取预警及干预性灭鼠措施.灭鼠药选用抗凝血剂大隆,毒饵浓度0.005%,采用洞群投药方式.结果:平均每公顷投毒饵约10.15公斤,15 d后灭效达98.12%以上,长爪沙鼠平均密度从灭前的23.2只/hm2,下降到灭后的0.36只/hm2.远低于3只/hm2的指标,达到灭鼠效果.结
目的:比较COI、Cytb、16srRNA、D-loop四个DNA条形码对黄毛鼠鼠种的鉴定效果.方法:将大榭港区捕获的1例黄毛鼠样本HX41,提取基因组DNA,使用特异性引物对线粒体COI、Cytb、16 srRNA、Dloop基因进行扩增并对扩增产物进行测序.将测序结果与GenBank中的相似鼠种DNA构建分子进化树进行同源性分析.结果:以COI 、Cytb、D-loop基因所构建分子进化树中,
目的:记述二种新蚤的地理分布与宿主关系.方法:采用媒介昆虫学调查方法,结合历年鼠疫疫源调查及监测结果.结果:二齿新蚤Neopsylla bidentatiformis (Wagner,1883)[1]分布在宁夏古北界蒙新区东部草原亚区的草原景观区,海拔在1 010 ~1 460 m之间,其宿主简单,数量较少.而红羊新蚤Neopsylla hongyangensis Li,Bai et Chen,1
目的:用线粒体DNA分子标记技术对北京机场口岸截获的外来鼠类进行分子鉴定和溯源.方法:对截获鼠类线粒体DNA cvtb全长基因测序,并进行同源性和进化分析.结果:截获的鼠类cytb全长基因序列和瑞典的haplotype Sweden 3的cytb全长基因核苷酸同源性最高可达到99.4%,进化树显示两者亲缘关系最近.结论:用线粒体DNA分子标记技术采用cytb全长基因鉴定截获外来鼠类为黑田鼠(Mic