Deciphering the genetic determinants of plant metabolism will provide insights useful for genetic improvement and enhance our fundamental understanding of plant
The medicinal plant Salvia miltiorrhiza contains the most abundant diterpenoid metabolites that normally have pharmacological activities such as vasorelaxat
Plant disease resistance (R) proteins play critical roles in plant immunity by directly or indirectly recognizing pathogen effectors, and leads to effector trig
Bread or common wheat is human beings staple food with global importance.Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., BBAADD, 2n=6x=42) is a young allopolyploid speci
As the staple food for half the worlds population, rice (Oryza sativa L.) is also well known for its subspecific differentiation and rich within species diversi
The two subspecies of Asian cultivated rice, japonica and indica, exhibit significant divergence in chilling tolerance, resulting from the adaptation to dif
Double fertilization is a complex process involving gametophytic development, pollen tube growth, guidance and reception, and gamete recognition and fusion.
Polyploidy (whole genomic duplication) has played a significant role in the evolutionary history of all eukaryotes, and particularly in flowering plants.