CT-giuded percutaneous intra-pedicle injection of bone cement in the therapy of painful metastatic l

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanqingqing1213
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  Purpose:Lytic lesions of the vertebral pedicle represent a particular therapeutic challenge to percutaneous vertebroplasty(PVP) and are generally considered contraindications to PVP. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy and safety of CTguided intra-pedicle injection of PMMA bone cement in the treatment of lytic pedicles of vertebrae in patients with metastatic disease. Material and Methods:Seven lytic pedicles of vertebrae in patients with metastatic disease were treated by percutaneous injection of PMMA cement under CT guidance. This technique, similar to PVP but with increased procedural risks because of the immediate vicinity of neuralstructures, was performed under CT guidance Results:In all cases, a radiologically satisfactory filling of both the affected pedicle and the vertebral body was achieved. Clinically effective pain relief was obtained in all of seven patients, and no clinical complications were observed. Conclusion:CT-guided percutaneous intra-pedicle injection of bone cement may serve as an alternative treatment for painful metastatic lytic pedicles resistant to medication. Large sample studies are needed to confirm the usefulness of this procedure in patients with painful metastatic lytic pedicles.
目的:我院于2015年新购进西门子双源光子CT,该CT在心脏、肺主动脉扫描方面因为速度比较快,因而优势明显,但厂家在介绍产品时,一直在提的一件事,就是该款机器因为采用了光子探测器,所以可以在降低剂量的情况下,提高图像分辨率.为验证这个结论,故开展本研究.方法:因我院刚好另外有一台GE公司生产的Lightspeed VCT,故分别使用两台机器,分别按照自动条件、给定条件(2s,5mm层厚,轴位扫描)
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