Consideration of the issue of emissions permits and trading production is increasingly being taken seriously by our government and emissions-dependent businesses. To support the development of enterprises to purify the emission model is the basis for production optimization program, the establishment of government-enterprise quotas, subsidies and penalties under the emission allowances trading business model optimization is the premise of the analysis. Based on the idea of revenue optimization, we construct a comprehensive model of subsidies and penalties, and further explore the optimization results and relationships of purification level, yield and yield; give other relevant Model, optimization analysis and result of the model, and analyze the inherent relationship between the model and the optimization results. By introducing the theorem of minimum purification level, it is clear that under this model, the real enterprise production optimization result can be obtained by minimizing the enterprise emission cost. In the solution of the model optimization results, the dynamic characteristics of each model are analyzed, and the problems and results of the analysis are closely related to the actual situation in the society.