Indole and its derivatives are important scaffolds in natural products and pharmaceuticals[1].
Imidazole and its derivatives are an important class of heterocyclic compounds due to their prevalence in bioactive natural products and drugs.
7-Thia-2.3-diazaspiro[4.4]-non-3-en-1-one framework derivatives are present in a number of natural and pharmaceutical products,such as important brain protective agent.
芳基腈是一类重要的有机合成中间体,因为它们可以简单有效的转化为各种重要官能团,例如:羧酸、脒、胺类以及吡唑、苯三唑、四唑等杂环化合物.本文以铜为催化剂,DMF 作为唯一氰源,成功实现了碘代芳烃、溴代芳烃、富电子芳烃以及芳基醛的氰基化.
烯酮亚胺是应用于有机合成的重要反应中间体,常以CuAAC( Copper-catalyzedalkyne-azide cycloaddition)策略制备[1],以亲核试剂捕获,能高效构筑不同结构的杂环化合物[2].将该合成策略应用于分子内反应,可制备一系列环状化合物[3].
The delivery of a small-molecule agent into malignant tumors in a highly effective and highly selective way is a major challenge in successful chemotherapeutic intervention in cancer[1-3].
Cyclopropenes usually have high reactivity due to their significant strain in the small ring,which makes they become good three-carbon skeleton structure for synthesis.
Vicinal 1,2-diketones are important organic compounds with versatile reactivity in the synthesis of numerous chemical products.