【摘 要】
Objective: The inflammation and immune response, are a key contributor to the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke (IS).Accumulating reports demonstrate that Vitamin D(3) has the multifaceted immunomodulat
【机 构】
Department of Neurology, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou, Guangdon
【出 处】
Objective: The inflammation and immune response, are a key contributor to the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke (IS).Accumulating reports demonstrate that Vitamin D(3) has the multifaceted immunomodulatory effects, notably the expansion of Tregs and the decrease of Th9, Th1 and Th17 cells, in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.However, there is still a lack of data about the effects of Vitamin D(3) in immune regulation in ischemic stroke.
Introduction: Isolated cortical vein thrombosis (ICoVT) is a rare condition representing approximately 6% of cerebral vein thromboses (CVT).However, missed, delayed or misdiagnosed of ICoVT are common
目的:探讨代谢综合征(MetS)与症状性脑动脉粥样硬化性狭窄(CAAS)的关系。方法:537例行全脑血管数字减影造影(DSA)检查的患者,根据狭窄程度,分为CAAS组416例和对照组121例,CAAS组进一步分为2个亚组:亚组(1)分为单纯颅内动脉粥样硬化性狭窄(ICAS)组(n=197),单纯颅外动脉粥样硬化性狭窄(ECAS)组(n=107),颅内外动脉联合狭窄(IECAS)组(n=1 12);
患者男性,18岁,因"乏力、纳差伴发热3天伴晕倒2小时"于2014年7月27日13时入院.入院前3天受凉后出现乏力,纳差,伴发热、干咳和流鼻涕,27日工作时突发晕倒呼之不应,急送本院,治疗后神志恢复.急查血生化:钠120.8mmol/L,糖6.93 mmol/L,头颅CT报未见异常.以"低钠血症查因"收入肾内科.查体:T 37.0℃,Bp 130/90mmHg.身高约160cm,体重45kg,体型
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability in young adults, yet few effective therapy options exist.Berberine is the main alkaloidal component of the herbal medicine Rhizoma
Objective: Our study is undertaken in order to analyze the role of IL-17 and IL-10 in tuberculosis meningitis (TBM).Methods: 13 patients with tuberculosis meningitis, 13 patients with viral meningitis