A healthier future for all Australians:an overview of the final report of the National Health and Ho

来源 :第二届(2013)老年人口与健康产业国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhihxk
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  After extensive community and health industry consultation,the final report of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission,A healthier future for all Australians,was presented to the Australian Government on 30 June 2009.The reform agenda aims to tackle major access and equity issues that affect health outcomes for people now; redesign our health system so that it is better positioned to respond to emerging challenges; and create an agile,responsive and self-improving health system for long-term sustainability.The 123 recommendations are grouped in four themes: ?? Taking responsibility: supporting greater individual and collective action to build good health and wellbeing.?? Connecting care: delivering comprehensive care for people over their lifetime,by strengthening primary health care,reshaping hospitals,improving subacute care,and opening up greater consumer choice and competition in aged care services.Facing inequities: taking action to tackle the causes and impact of health inequities,focusing on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,people in rural and remote areas,and access to mental health and dental services.?? Driving quality performance: having leadership and systems to achieve the best use of people,resources and knowledge,including “one health system” with national leadership and local delivery,revised funding arrangements,and changes to health workforce education,training and practice.
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