Computer Literacy among Board Members and Employees of Co-operatives in Malaysia

来源 :2011 International Conferenc on Computer Application and Edu | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenlic0300
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  This study identified the level of computer literacy among board members and employees of co-operatives in Malaysia as well as some of the factors that influenced their level of computer literacy.In co-operative, application of computer system to replace manual administration duties like letters writing, report, book keeping, tile management,and other clerical task will be more efficient by using computer.In this study, respondents were asked to evaluate their perception on the level of computer literacy based on identified usage of common computer software like processing text, spreadsheet, database and Internet service application.A total of 619 cooperatives were identified and questionnaires were mailed to the respondents.Based on the computer literacy framework referred to the prior study, several factors such as demography and computer usage background t will influence the level of computer literacy.The level of computer literacy will affect capability to undertake the tasks using computer, basic knowledge of the characteristics and capabilities of computer and the ability to use computer applications.Respondents perception based on a 5-point Likert scale was used to gauge their level of computer literacy.Overall, the study revealed that 49% of the respondentshad high level of computer literacy.Computer literacy was higher among employee respondents as compared to the board members.In addition, the factors which influenced the level of computer literacy were gender, age, educational level, computer ownership, experience in computer usage, attending computer courses and work experience.The study found that the level of computer literacy was higher among respondents who were women, less than 35 years old, possessed high educational qualification, with prior work experience, owned a computer, were experienced in computer usage and had attended computer courses.The result showed that the level of computer literacy is high which present that there are no barrier for co-operative to use ICT as a productivity tool in co-operative management and administrative.
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