Are Foreign Brands Destined to be Favored?--A Comparative Study of Chinese and Foreign Brand Attitud

来源 :香港城市大学,中国石油大学,加州大学河滨分校,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztsdc
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  Based on rational analysis,cognitive bias and affective factors,this paper puts forward a comprehensive theoretical framework to explore the differences between Chinese and foreign brand attitudes and their causes.Study found that foreign brands have an advantage over Chinese brands in respect of rational analysis and cognitive biases,both foreign brand Chinese brands have their own merits in emotional factors to consumers.Although consumers preference to foreign brands is still significant compared to Chinese brands,the relative advantages of Chinese brands reveal the transform of consumers awareness under the background of globalization.Research enriches the literature of Chinese and foreign brand attitude differences,and put forward suggestions for Chinese enterprises to enhance their competitiveness.
团购的火热来源于美国的Groupon 网站的成功,加之网络信息的快速传播,商业模式也被快速实现模仿.2010 春,国内的团购如春笋般遍地开花,所团购的产品以餐馆、酒店、美容、健身、SPA 等服务产品为主,因此边际成本和物流成本较低,业务团队具有极高的议价能力,能提供极大的折扣.
自1978 年十一届三中全会以来,中国经济进入转型时期,从计划经济体制逐渐向社会主义市场经济体制转移。面对时代的变革,洋河酒厂作为国企一员,也跟紧脚步,在变化中积极主动寻找发展之道。
MBA 教育的培养目标是职业经理人。案例教学法和团队项目教学法是MBA 教育中不可替代的重要方法。分析了团队项目教学法的理论基础及其特征,研究了团队项目教学法在MBA《营销管理》教学实践中应用的三种主要形式,并总结归纳出其基本程序与注意事项。
本文提出的STAD 案例教学方法,包括相对独立的四个分析环节,认知情景(understanding Situation)、设定任务(setting Task)、寻找(解决)方案(finding Approach)、做出决策(making Decision)。
基于前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基(B·A·Cyxomjnhcknn)的理念,认为MBA 教育是一种契合学生知识情境的心智服务,从信赖度(Reliability)、专业度(Assurance)有形度(Tangibles)、同理度(Empathy)、反应度(Responsiveness)等(简称RTEAR)视角研究MBA 案例教学的组织方式及其有效性。
Understanding Customer experience is critical for firm.The customer experience process flows from pre-purchase,to purchase,to post-purchase,and is iterative and dynamic.Past experience,current experie
With the arrival of the era of experience marketing,lots of store brands retailers began to seize the development opportunity.At present,the market of store brands presents the polarization situation