SSE reduces symptoms of asthma in mice by restoring IFN-gamma and IL-10 levels
【出 处】
Background: Bonghan theory,a hypothesis on the anatomical structure of the acupuncture point and meridian system,has been regarded as a misunderstanding of the lymphatic system or as a made-up story i
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Q-value guide LASIK and standardized LASIK in the treatment of myopia.Method: A systematic literature retrieval was conducted in the MEDLINE,CNKI,the Cochra
in order to determine methods for evaluating clinical Chinese medicine characteristics and advantages,the article applied systematic biology,complex scientific theories and methods,clinical efficacy o
[研究背景]灯盏花素注射液在中国临床广泛用于治疗心脑血管病.关于其治疗不稳定性心绞痛的临床对照试验报道很多.[目的]评价灯盏花注射液治疗不稳定性心绞痛的疗效和安全性.[方法]通过检索Cochrane Library,PubMed,EMBASE,Web of Science,CBM,CNKI,VIP 和万方数据库 (1995.01-2010.04),全面搜集有关灯盏花素注射液治疗不稳定性心绞痛的随机