In his article‘Stream-terrace genesis: implications for soil development,Bull(1990) proposed genetic terminology for fluvial terraces,such as tectonic,climatic,and complex-response stream terraces,to explicitly point out the causes of fluvialterraces. However,recent historical studies related to fluvial terraces have shown thatthe classification of Bull(1990) may oversimplify the genesis of fluvial terraces,especially for strath terraces. Therefore,in this article I aim to discuss whether thegenetic terminology for fluvial terraces is necessary. I first present the classification offluvial terrace proposed by Bull(1990). Then I present recent progress in historicalstudies related to strath terrace formation in tectonically active areas. These studiesindicate that climate changes would contribute to bedrock strath development andstrath terrace formations. According to the findings of the studies,I question theclassification of fluvial terrace proposed by Bull(1990),especially it implies strathterrace and tectonic stream terrace are synonymous.