The Cultivation and Guidance of FLASH Network Animation to the Teenagers' Consciousness of Nati

来源 :2011年信息技术、服务科学与工程管理国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tinnawang
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  With the development and popularity of the computer network technology, network has been an important composition part in the studies and lives of the teenagers.Through the network, they are able to learn, to communicate, to acquire new knowledge and to carry out entertainment activities.In addition, through the network media, they can acquire the evaluations and influences on the world outlook, the life outlook and the worth outlook.FLASH network animation has been an important existence in the network world.Relying on its advantageous position in the network world, the FLASH network animation has become the first platform for the teenagers to accept ideas and thoughts.It has played a very important role in the studies and lives of the teenagers, affecting both their mental health and physical health deeply.Under these circumstances, the content and the image of FLASH network animation has played a very important role to the teenagers consciousness of nationality culture.It not only can effectively account the stage of cultural invasion and cultural colonization.This paper has made analysis on the cultivation and the influences of the F LASH network animation to the teenagers consciousness of nationality culture through the connotation and the extension of the FLASH Network Animation in a deep manner.In addition, it makes analysis on the success and failures as well as the shock to the Chinese animation culture from the exotics.Moreover, it makes analysis on the development prospects of the domestic FLASH network animation in the future.
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