Capillary electrochromatography (CEC) column technology is one of the key factors for the further development of CEC.The invention of monolithic stationary phase has been regarded as a significant technological progress in the separation science.Both organic polymer and silica-based monoliths have been developed.Monolithic silica capillary columns can be prepared by sintering silica particles, immobilizing silica particles in a silica xerogel matrix, or in situ hydrolytic polycondensation of alkoxysilanes by a sol-gel process.The latter one is the most widely used.Sol-gel technology offers a versatile means for the synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid materials based on the co-condensation of siloxane and organosiloxane precursors.Direct incorporation of organosiloxanes into the reaction mixture can introduce desired functional groups distributed throughout the sol-gel matrix, which can be developed as popular separation media for specific applications.