【摘 要】
In seismic exploration,the process of acquisition records the continuous wavefield which is generated by thesource.In order to restore the seismic data correctl
【出 处】
Imaging Science a workshop in honor of Stanley Osher
In seismic exploration,the process of acquisition records the continuous wavefield which is generated by thesource.In order to restore the seismic data correctly,the acquisition should satisfy the Nyquist/Shannon sampling theorem,i.e.,the sampling frequency should be at least twice of the maximum frequency of original signal.In seismic acquisition,because of the influence of obstacles at land surface,rivers,bad receivers,noise,acquisition aperture,restriction of topography and investment,the obtained data usually does not satisfy the sampling theorem.A direct effect of the limitations of acquisition is the sub-sampled data will generate aliasing in the frequency domain;therefore,it may affect the subsequent processing such as filtering,de-noising,AVO (amplitude versus offset) analysis,multiple eliminating and migration imaging [1-5].
我的爸爸是个“钓鱼迷”,光是鱼饵就买了不少。而渔具,爸爸也是一直在买,鱼竿都够好几个人钓鱼用了。他白天钓、晚上钓,抓住一切空闲时间钓,有时甚至刚下班就马不停蹄地去钓鱼了。 昨天下午,爸爸又要去钓鱼,在我再三的央求下,他终于同意带我去了。 我们来到澄江大桥,那儿的河边围着城墙,我们绕了半天,终于找到了一个入口。一进去,我发现那里面的景色非常优美。 回过头来,又是另一番景象,这里的城墙像长城一样
扫一眼三月日历,日期下密密麻麻的注释让小编大吃一惊——三月竟有这么多有意思的节日?有些节日甚至集中在同一天!小编翻出其中很有趣的3页,“红粉”们也来看看吧。 【3.3,是“国际爱耳日”,也是“世界野生动植物日”。】 你知道吗,人类历史上测到的最大声音是一座火山爆发的声音!1883年8月27日,位于印度尼西亚的喀拉喀托火山爆發,其声响传到了3500千米以外,而火山爆发产生的次声波也绕了地球三四圈
闻闻,仔细闻闻,这是什么味道呢?小编眉头紧锁,陷入沉思…… “红粉”们一定有过类似的体验吧——有时候,一种味道会突然让我们陷入一段回忆。 这些感觉就好像特别灵敏的“记忆开关”,一下子就能带领我们“穿越时空”,回想起曾经闻到这种味道时的情景。 今天,让我们充分调动自己的五官,运用听觉、嗅觉或味觉来创作故事吧! 第一步,给你一张“味道”清单。 泥土的味道 爆米花的味道 咖啡的味道 中药
In this talk,we present a fast numerical method for denoising of 1D signals based on curvature minimization.Motivated by the primal-dual formulation for total v