【机 构】
延边大学理学院,吉林 延吉 133002 辽宁省盘锦市环境保护局,辽宁 盘锦 124000
【出 处】
Cometabolic Degradation of Dibenzofuran, Dibenzothiophene and Carbazole by a Phenol-Degrading Arthro
Characterization of two novel halotolerant catechol 2,3-dioxygenases from halophilic bacterial conso
A bacterial consortium was enriched from a saline soil contaminated by crude oil using phenanthrene as the sole source of carbon and energy at 10% salinity.The bacterial consortium can degrade 100 mg/
空气微生物是引发考古发掘现场微生物病害的主要因素,其直接威胁到出土文物的安全保存与合理防护.本研究利用Anderson FA-Ⅰ型六级筛孔撞击式空气微生物采样器在山东章丘东平陵考古发掘区第V9475探方区域采样,研究了采样点环境中可培养空气微生物浓度(Clone Forming Unit,CFU/m3)的日变化和时变化特征;同时结合现场环境监测数据,分析了空气微生物浓度与环境中温度、相对湿度、SO
里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei)FS10-C由本课题组前期研究从土壤中筛选而得,该菌株在Cu浓度为600 mg·L-1,Cd浓度为300 mg·L-1时仍能生长,并且能强化海州香薷和伴矿景天对铜镉污染土壤的吸取修复.因此,为扩大其应用前景,本研究以廉价的农副产品作为原料,对木霉FS10-C固体发酵培养基进行了筛选,并优化发酵条件,简化生产工艺,为将其成功开发为土壤重金属污染修复的生
Celeribacter indica sp.nov.a PAH-degrading bacterium isolated from deep-sea sediment of Indian Ocean
A taxonomic study was carried out on strain P73T, which was isolated from deep-sea sediment of Indian Ocean with PAHs-degrading enrichment.The bacterium was Gram-negative, oxidase and catalase positiv
本文开展了醌基聚氨酯泡沫(AQS-PUF)强化上流式厌氧反应器处理活性艳红K-2G的研究,分别考察了电子供体、pH值、水力停留时间(HRT)对脱色率的影响以及AQS-PUF的长期稳定性.批次实验表明:在以0.5 g·L-1葡萄糖为电子供体、pH值为7时AQS-PUF对活性艳红K-2G的生物脱色速率达到最大;当反应器运行温度为30℃、HRT为10h、反应体系pH为7时,AQS-PUF反应器比普通聚氨
Azo dyes are mutagenie pollutants and ubiquitous in the wastewater from textile, printing and food industries, thus the proper treatment of azo dye wastewater is important for global ecological securi
Diversity survey in rhizosphere of diazotroph in the exotic invasive species Spartina alterniflora i
Microorganisms are important components of wetland ecosystem as they play a range of vital ecological functions such as nitrogen fixation, Diazotrophic bacteria associated with the roots of the invasi