Eyes on Central Asia:Education in Remote Sensing Image Analysis across Disciplines

来源 :干旱半干旱环境对地观测国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuspecial
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Remote Sensing is widely considered a technical specialty sub-discipline of Geoinformatics,mostly taught through academic courses (e.g.http://www.unigis.net) requiring a solid background in Physics,Information Technologies and Geospatial Referencing.Due to the easy general availability of imagery across broad ranges of spatial,temporal and spectral resolutions,the number of practical application domains steadily increases – with a similarly increasing qualification gap of domain specialists.This gap was addressed within the broader context of Geoinformatics curriculum development for Central Asian Universities,partially supported by the EU Tempus project ‘Geoinformatics: Managing Energy,Resources,Environment – GEM’ (http://tempusgem.zgis.net).The main objective of the Remote Sensing component in ‘GEM’ as well as in similar generic Geoinformatics study programs is to make the use of modern Earth Observation technologies which are now more easily accessible for a wide audience of application domain specialists,without burdening them with the full suite of traditional remote sensing syllabus items.
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