国内外许多学者已经证明,多种动物的肠道可携带空肠弯曲菌(以下简称空弯菌),成为人类空弯菌腹泻的重要传染源;但鹌鹑(Coturnix quail)是否带菌,尚无报道。鹌鹑肉是美味佳肴,鹑蛋营养价值较高,现今饲养鹌鹑的爱好者和专业户甚多,因此同人的关系密切。 1985年11月至1986年3月我们在重庆,从四个养殖场182只鹌鹁的肛拭子中分离出空肠弯曲菌146株,平均检出率为80.2%(最低为65.0%,最高达91.4%);从42只鹌鹑的胆汁中分离出10株,检出率为23.8%;
Many scholars both at home and abroad have proved that many kinds of animal intestinal tract can carry Campylobacter jejuni (hereinafter referred to as Campylobacter), which has become an important source of infection of Campylobacter diarrhea in humans. However, it has not been reported whether Coturnix quail carries it. Quail meat is delicious food, quail egg nutritional value is higher, today’s quail breeding hobbyists and professional households very much, so colleagues close. From November 1985 to March 1986, 146 strains of Campylobacter jejuni were isolated from 182 rectal swabs in four farms in Chongqing. The average detection rate was 80.2% (the lowest was 65.0%, up to 91.4%). Ten strains were isolated from the bile of 42 quails, the detection rate was 23.8%.