苏丹六区Gato C-1井钻井液技术

来源 :钻井液与完井液 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:unian1981
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Gato C-1井位于苏丹共和国南部Northern Kordofan省Muglad县,属于Muglad盆地Nugara凹陷东洼陷带Gato次洼M.Durub构造。钻探目的是评价Gato次洼油气资源潜力,探明该构造Abu.Gabra组含油气情况及生储盖组合。设计井深2800 m,完钻井深2704.28 m。上部地层以粗砂岩、中砂岩为主,渗透性好;下部地层以粉砂、细砂岩为主,夹有灰色、黑色泥岩,地层稳定性差,易产生掉块和垮塌。针对该区地层特点,上部地层(Zeraf—Bentiu组)采用聚合物钻井液,下部地层(Abu.Gabra组)采用聚合物三磺盐水防塌钻井液。 The Gato C-1 well is located in Muglad County, Northern Kordofan, in the southern Sudan, belonging to the M.Durub structure of the Gato sub-depression in the eastern sub-sag of the Nugara Sag of the Muglad Basin. The purpose of the drilling is to evaluate the potential of the Gato sub-depression hydrocarbon resources and to ascertain the hydrocarbon-bearing conditions and the combination of the reservoir and the reservoir in the structural Abu Gabra Formation. Design depth of 2800 m, drilling depth 2704.28 m. The upper strata are dominated by coarse sandstone and middle sandstone with good permeability. The lower strata are dominated by silt and fine sandstone with gray and black mudstones. The stratum is poor in stability and prone to fallout and collapse. According to the stratigraphic features of the area, polymer drilling fluid is used in the upper strata (Zeraf-Bentiu Formation), and polymer trisulfonate drilling fluid is used in the lower strata (Abu. Gabra Group).
李大志独自在办公室里来回踱着步。  方才,老家李村的李祥财来找自己,临走时丢下了一个土特产包,起初他没当回事,等人走后打开一看,一大叠的钱,少说也有个五万,此时再追出去送还,显