Cross-stream modulatory effects of feedback signals from areas 21a and PMLS on the orientation and d

来源 :中国神经科学学会第四次会员代表大会暨第七届全国学术会议(The 7th Biennial Meeting and the | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rsdt25302530
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  The top-down descending roles from higher cortical areas to lower areas is a big unsolved problem in systems neuroscience.In the visual system,the dorsal stream and the ventral stream are two the major parallel streams carrying and processing distinctly different types of motion and form information along the visual pathways in the cats and monkey brain.To study the functional effects of higher-order visual cortical area on the lower-order area in the visual information processing,we examined the influence of signals descending from cortical areas of 21a and the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian (PMLS) on the orientation and direction selectivity and their functional organization in cat area 17 revealed by intrinsic signal optical imaging combined with local drug application in 21a and PMLS.
毛泽东虚心改词     毛泽东同志写的诗词中,有不少词语,是听取各方意见后改定的。   《七律长征》中的“金沙水拍云崖暖”一句,原稿写作“金沙水拍悬崖暖”。有人给毛泽东同志写信说:“悬崖”的“悬”缺乏诗意,建议“悬”改为“云”。毛泽东同志觉得这个意见很好,立即改了过来。   《沁园春雪》中的“原驰蜡象”,手稿上写成“原驰腊象”,诗人藏克家建议改为“原驰蜡象”,正可与上句中的“银蛇”映衬,毛泽东同志
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在风景秀丽的珞珈山麓,四壁图书的憨敢斋里,我有幸拜访了两位博学而慈祥的教授兼诗人夫妇。他们清风两袖,桃李满天,在教育界 In the foothills of the scenic Luojia, four