【摘 要】
The goal of this course is to make the audience familiar with various properties and results related to curves over finite fields.
【出 处】
Workshop on Computational Problems in Number Theory(数论中的计算问题
The goal of this course is to make the audience familiar with various properties and results related to curves over finite fields.
四苯基乙烯(TPE)具有显著的聚集诱导发光性质,当和阿霉素(Dox)聚集时,能够发生荧光共振能量转移(FRET),其中Dox 作为受体,TPE 则作为供体,可以用于阿霉素运输过程中的监
不对称重排反应是构建多种手性碳架和扩大/缩小环的高效方法,由于反应历程复杂,对反应进行区域和对映选择性的控制难度大.由手性氨基酸衍生的具有C2 对称性的手性双氮氧-酰胺
It is well-known that number theory abounds problems that are relatively easy to state but often very hard to solve.
Serres Uniformity Conjecture is a statement concerning the Galois action on torsion points of elliptic curves defined over number fields.
The aim of the talk is to introduce some arithmetic properties of plane curves over finite fields,in particular to look at the distribution of their number of p
The elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) is a computational problem that has many applications in cryptography.
We show how to efficiently compute functions on Jacobian varieties and their quotients.We deduce a quasi-optimal algorithm to compute (l,l) isogenies between Ja
This is a work in progress with Chantal David and Sandro Bettin.Is it possible to find families of elliptic curve such that the parity of the rank over Q(t) doe