Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia protects the heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury through inhibi
【出 处】
Mutations of the cardiac sodium channel gene SCN5A are associated with short QT syndrome and ventric
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ ameliorates pulmonary arterial hypertension by inhibiti
The translocation of Nur77 from nucleus to mitochondria enhanced myocardial ischemia/reperfusion inj
Ischemic heart diseases (IHD) are the leading cause of death in developed countries.One of the mechanisms is the leakage of pro-apoptotic molecules such as Omi/HtrA2, Smac/DABLO from mitochondria to c
先天性心脏病(Congenital Heart Disease,CHD),简称先心病,是胚胎期心血管系统发育异常或发育障碍以及出生后应当退化的组织未能退化而造成的心血管畸形疾病。心脏是胚胎发育过程中最早形成并行使功能的器官,是不同来源的细胞准确的分化、迁移、增殖并经过精确的折叠、屈曲的结果,任何一个环节受到干扰都能够导致先心病的发生。
Associations between subclinical atherosclerosis and bone mineral density: a cross-sectional study o
The effect of NPY and its receptor R1 and R2 on baroreflex sensitivity and cardiac function in diabe
It is well known that abnormal baroreflex sensitivity is associated with sudden death and arrhythmias during cardiac ischemia, diabetes and hypertension.Studies show both sympathetic and parasympathet
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels function as cellular sensors to perceive and respond to a variety of environmental stimuli including temperature,pain, pressure and fluid flow.