Transcriptomic Analysis of Apolygus lucorum at Different Growth Stages

来源 :2015全国植物生物学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuwei72323
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  Apolygus lucorum(Hemiptera: Miridae),or green mirid bug(GMB),is a mesophyll feeding insect which damages a broad range of crops,including cotton and beans.With the cultivation of transgenic BT cottons in China for nearly 20 years,the Bt-insensitive GMB has become one of the major pests in cotton field and caused severe yield loss.Recently we have generated the transcriptome of adult A.lucorum using pacbio technology,which provided long read lengths.We also compared analyzed the gene expression profiles of the nymphs(first/second and fourth instar)and adults by Illumina.Combining the two sets of sequences,a cDNA sequence library was obtained,which contains 32,532 expressed sequences of the mean length of 1,053 nt,ranging from 224 to 15,854 nt,with an N50 of 1,577 nt.Annotation was performed by BLASTx against Genbank non-redundant(nr)protein database.Among the 26,299 annotated sequences,there are 97 cytochrome P450s,40 glutathione S-transferases(GSTs)and 53 G proteincoupled receptors(GPCRs).Scanning for signal peptides and transmembrane domains resulted in the prediction of more than 3000 secretory proteins.In addition,we performed pairwise comparisons of gene expressions of A.lucorum at three different stages of growth and development,which revealed that the nymphs at the first/second instar or the fourth instar were similar at the transcriptomic level,whereas immense differences were found between the adult bug and the nymph.Compared with the fourth instar nymph,there were 403 up-regulated and 2049 down-regulated genes in the adult.Our findings provide valuable information that will help design new strategies for GMB control.
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