Quantum cooperation of electron and hole states in Weyl semimetals WTe2 and strained HgTe

来源 :2014第二届中国网络安全大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsj1234567
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  The behaviour of electrons and holes in a crystal lattice is a fundamental quantum phe-nomenon,accounting for a rich variety of material properties.Boosted by the remarkable electronic and physical properties of two-dimensional materials such as graphene and topological insulators,transition metal dichalcogenides(TMDs) have recently received renewed attention.In this context,the anomalous bulk properties of semimetallic WTe2 have attracted considerable interest.Recently it was found that WTe2 exhibits extremely large uniaxial magnetoresistance along the crystallographic c-axis [1],attributed to a balanced electron-hole resonance,and it was further predicted to realize the first Weyl-II type quantum phase [2].In this talk we report first-principles calculations and angle-and spin-resolved photoemis-sion spectroscopy measurements on WTe2 [3],through which we provide clear evidence that the electronic properties of WTe2 display a layer-dependent evolution from surface to bulk,that is,it cannot be considered a priori as a non-interacting 2D-layered system.The balance between the hole and electron states,representing one of the crucial conditions for the nonsaturating magnetoresistance in this system,is established only beyond finite number of layers(three)and maintained in the bulk.This consideration provides a fundamental input for future exploitation of TMDs in general,and WTe2 in particular,in devices and heterogeneous interfaces.Moreover,the Weyl properties of WTe2 are presented,and compared with the one of strained HgTe,the most famous topological insulator.In fact,recently HgTe has been theoretically predicted to be an ideal Weyl semimetal under compressive strain,and in this talk we will show new results that shed more light on the interplay between topological properties and Weyl states [4].
snake模型,又叫主动轮廓(Active contour)模型是一种半自动化提取的方法,是由kass等人首次提出的算法,广泛地应用于计算机视觉及图像处理中的各个领域,如边缘检测、图像分割、运
  21世纪化学取得突飞猛进的发展,从研究内容到研究方法都发生了显著变化,从而呼唤中学化学教育和大学化学教育的发展以顺应化学学科发展的时代需求。本研究参考SCI 化学期刊