
来源 :混凝土与水泥制品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:franklee19851126
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一、前言用砂质水泥和压蒸养护的方法生产石棉水泥制品具有很大的技术经济意义。通过在试验室大量的试验,这种制品终于研制成功,并在工厂进行了批量试制。1986年5月通过了技术鉴定。鉴定会一致认为石棉砂质水泥小波瓦可节约大量水泥,节省能源、缩短生产周期、能增加企业的社会经济效益。石棉砂质水泥小波瓦主要物理力学性能达到石棉水泥中、小波瓦及其脊瓦的部颁标准要求,与普通石棉水泥瓦比较,干缩与翘曲变形小45%左右。 I. INTRODUCTION The production of asbestos cement products using sand cement and pressure steaming and curing methods is of great technical and economic importance. Through a large number of tests in the laboratory, this product has finally been successfully developed and batch-scaled at the factory. May 1986 passed the technical appraisal. The appraisal will unanimously believe that the asbestos sandy cement wavelet can save a lot of cement, save energy, shorten the production cycle, and increase the social and economic benefits of the company. The main physical and mechanical properties of the asbestos sandy cement wavelet have met the ministerial standards for asbestos cement, wavelet and its ridge tiles. Compared with ordinary asbestos cement tiles, the shrinkage and warpage are about 45% smaller.