【摘 要】
Electrophoretic and, more generally, electrokinetic separations play an important role in analytical chemistry, especially in protein characterization and p
【机 构】
University of Missouri, School of Medicine, Columbia, Missouri 65212, US
【出 处】
Electrophoretic and, more generally, electrokinetic separations play an important role in analytical chemistry, especially in protein characterization and proteomics related applications.Despite long history of development in the area and the variety of different electrophoretic methods currently in use, the main separation principles are essentially the same as discovered thirty to forty years ago or even earlier.The invention of so-called immobilized pH gradients, IPG, was one of the milestones in the electrophoresis history.Still, the detailed mechanism of protein separation and dynamics of protein fractionations in IPG gels is not well understood even in the present.
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