Since its discovery in 2009 [1,2],the low-energy structure(LES) in above-threshold ionization(ATI) spectrum at mid-infrared wavelengths has attracted increasing attention in past years.A closer inspec
When an atom or a molecule interacts with a strong laser field,the bound electron wavepackets can be emitted at different times.The different wavepackets with the same final momentum will interfere wi
参考[Asano and Yamamoto 1975]文章中的思路,我们得到了任意尺寸和折射率的旋转椭球颗粒光散射问题的半解析解。在旋转椭球坐标系中,采用分离变量法求解麦克斯韦方程组,其解可以表达成矢量椭球波函数的无穷级数展开。利用椭球表面电场矢量以及磁场矢量切向分量必须连续的边界条件,可以推导出一系列包含未知的场展开系数的线性方程组,从而确定整个空间中的电磁场分布情况。根据得到的理论结果,利用F