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席卷几内亚、利比里亚、塞拉利昂的埃博拉疫情至今已持续一年有余,造成了大量人员感染与死亡,三国社会经济遭受沉重打击。如今,疫情的防控已呈现良好态势,西非三国有望于2015年内送走埃博拉。本文将从经济、社会、国内政治、国际关系四个方面入手,全面评估埃博拉对西非三国的影响,并展望三国在“后埃博拉”时代的发展。 The Ebola epidemic that swept through Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone has lasted more than a year so far, causing a large number of human infections and deaths. The socio-economic imbalances in the three countries have been hit hard. Today, the prevention and control of the epidemic has shown a good trend. The three West African countries are expected to send Ebola within 2015. This article will start with the four aspects of economy, society, domestic politics and international relations and make a comprehensive assessment of Ebola’s influence on West Africa and expect the development of the three countries in the Ebola era.