Total Synthesis of (±)-Sacidumlignan D

来源 :The 24th International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry Con | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tornadohearwind
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In 2005, Yue et al.identified four structurally novel lignans Sacidumlignans A-D from Sarcostemma acidum (Roxb.), a plant used in Chinese folk medicine to treat chronic cough and postnatal hypogalactia.[1] Sacidumlignan D shows promising antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive bacteria in vitro.The Ramana and Peng groups have reported the total synthesis of Sacidumlignan D.[2,3] Our synthesis achieved the goal within a promisingly 5 steps and 48% overall yield from the known diaryl ketone and allylbromide featuring Zn-mediated Barbier Reaction and acid-promoted selective cyclization of diol.
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