When Thales injected his source into his life, people felt they were drained of time. The rest of the juice to be integrated into the stream, where the sink is not what they can be considered. They do not yet know they are in such a young age, most of the time they have been trivialized living, and only in some moments of self-righteousness, will occasionally think of missing something. Until one day, you begin to discover that there is only one plant growing in the imaginary garden and you find that every creature has exactly the same faces. You no longer have to remember the way. Instead, you rely solely on navigation and change to make you feel impatient and unmarked. On the road, you have no place to rest. Repeat every day. Only the dreams come in full bloom with countless pieces of debris, where they are reorganized into a new and wonderful structure, without reason, calculus and reasoning. It is contrary to the reality, and even beyond you