语言之中蕴含着文化,而文化的丰富和发展也得益于语言。正如美国语言学家萨丕尔(Edward Sapir)所主张:语言的背后是有东西的,语言不能离开文化而存在。语言与文化相辅相成,想要透彻地掌握一门语言,在学习语言的过程中就不能忽略文化的导入。特别是对于英语学习进入相对来说比较深入阶段的学生来说,在语言习得的过程中更是不能缺少文化作为补充。本文旨在通过阐述综合英语课程的教学目标并列举文化相关概念,分析文化在英语教学中的作用来探索在综合英语教学中文化教学的基本途径和方法,从而得出结论:文化是语言习得的重要方面,在英语专业低年级综合英语课程的教学中要注重文化导入,结合运用多种方法来讲授和传播文化,以促进学生更深入地学好外语。
The language contains culture, and the enrichment and development of culture also benefit from the language. As the American linguist Edward Sapir argues: There is something behind the language, and language can not exist without it. Language and culture complement each other, you want to master a thorough language, in the process of learning the language can not ignore the introduction of culture. Especially for students who enter relatively deeper stages of English learning, they can not supplement the lack of culture in the process of language acquisition. This article aims to explore the basic ways and means of cultural teaching in comprehensive English teaching by expounding the teaching objectives of comprehensive English courses and enumerating the related concepts of culture and analyzing the role of culture in English teaching. The conclusion is that culture is a language acquisition , We should pay attention to the introduction of culture in the teaching of the integrated English curriculum of the lower major of English major and use various methods to teach and disseminate the culture in order to promote the students to learn the foreign language more deeply.