Influence of a glyphosate-tolerant soybean line on the rhizosphere bacteria revealed by Illumina Mis

来源 :江苏省遗传学会2016年学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciper618
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  The global commercial cultivation of transgenic crops has widely increased in recent decades with potential impact on the environment.The bulk of previous studies showed different results on the effects of the release oftransgenic plants on the soil microbial community.In this study,comparative analysis of the bacterial communities in the rhizosphere soils and surrounding soils were performed between a glyphosate-tolerant(GT)transgenic soybean line NZL06-698(or simply N)and its control cultivar Mengdou12(or simply M)by 16S ribosomal RNA gene based Illumina MiSeq.
株高和穗型是小麦两个重要的驯化性状,直接影响作物的抗倒伏性和产量.NAUH164 是普通小麦品种苏麦3 号经化学诱变剂甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变得到的一个矮秆密穗突变体,通过表型分析和遗传分析发现,该突变性状是由一个显性单基因Rht23 控制,且定位于小麦5D 染色体长臂上8.5Mb 的物理区间内.利用粗山羊草基因组序列对Rht23 所在区域进行了比较基因组学分析,发现该区间内存在位于5A 染色体
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C-repeat binding factor(CBF1)belongs to a family of transcription factors in response to cold stress in plants.However,this gene has not been cloned and not characterized in the mulberry(Morus L.).Thi
以90 份桑树核心种质为研究材料,鉴定桑树叶长、节间长等的21 个农艺性状,利用10 个ISSR 引物检测多态性,在分析群体结构和亲缘关系的基础上进行关联分析.共扩增出90 条清晰条带,其中多态性条带78 条,多态性条带百分率为86.92%,利用UPGMA 法聚类和Structure 群体结构分析均将90 份桑树核心种质分成了2 个亚群,群体结构分析和聚类分析在一定程度上具有一致性.
磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)在C4 和景天酸植物CO2 固定的光合作用中起到重要的作用,同时参与了许多植物体非光合进程(包括果实成熟、气孔关闭、C-N 代谢、种子形成和萌发,以及调控植物耐逆性等),但目前有关大豆PEPC 基因家族的分析尚未报道.根据已公布的大豆基因组序列,本研究共鉴定得到10 个PEPC 基因(GmPEPC1-GmPEPC10).对包括大豆在内的13 种植物的PEPC 蛋白
多药及毒性化合物外排转运(Multidrug and toxic compound extrusion,MATE)蛋白家族是多药排出转运体的重要成员,主要参与转运有机酸、植物激素、次级代谢物等有机化合物.然而,目前关于植物尤其是大豆MATE 家族还鲜有报道.本研究在大豆基因组中共鉴定出117 个MATE 基因,并根据其物理位置命名为GmMATE1-GmMATE117.进化树分析将大豆MATE 家族
egg production is an important trait of chicken(Gallus gallus).It is determined by ovary function and regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis.In the present study,8 female Jinghai yellow ch
Since the insulin-like growth factor 3(igf3)gene was recently discovered in fish ovary,its function in the gonads has received much attention.In this study,we isolated two igf3 subtypes from common ca