Promoting readiness to care:Relationship between psychiatric nurses and family members of persons wi

来源 :2009上海国际护理大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asherrrrr
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  Relationship between psychiatric nurses and family members is a powerful nursing care for and support persons with schizophrenia.There is extensive study on the issues raised by this particular nursing intervention but little research has been done on what nurses actually do when working with famjly members of persons with schizophrenia.The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between psychiatric nurses and family members of persons with schizophrenia.The grounded theory approach was used in this study.Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 16 psychiatric nurses, observations, and field notes.Data were analyzed using the constant and comparative methods by Glaser (1978).Some findings revealed the strategies by which nurses promote readiness of family members to care for persons with schizophrenia.These strategies for promoting readiness to care included improving attitude and promoting care ability.Promoting readiness to care was an essential strategy that was used to help the family members care for and support the persons with schizophrenia.Nurses may apply this strategy in helping family members in living successfully with their patients.The findings can also be used as clues for exploring other issues related to helping family members of persons with schizophrenia to care for their patients.
目的 对无纸化临床护理操作考核系统软件进行临床测试 以不断改进软件系统功能 更好地满足临床护理操作考试的需求。方法 运用电子信息技术 开发了移动手持智能终端临床护理操作考核系统。便利选取某市2所三级甲等综合性医院和2所二级甲等综合性医院 260名内、外、专科临床护士为测试对象,实施为期6个月的软件系统临床测试。结果 软件系统经过静脉输液、口腔护理等20项临床基本护理技术达5670例次的临床测试 运
目的 通过英、美两国护理教育认证体制的比较研究,探究其优点和不足,为构建具有中国特色的高等护理教育认证体系提供借鉴.方法 在文献研究的基础上,比较英美两国在认证主导权、认证机构、认证标准和认证程序等方面的异同.结果 英国和美国的认证分别由学校和认证机构占主导地位,学校在认证中都具有很大的自主权;两国的认证标准都只是一个框架,比较宏观,质性描述居多,但英国标准侧重毕业生质量的描述,而美国的标准侧重办
目的 本研究旨在调查不同年级护理本科生的人文关怀能力现状,分析其差异,并找出影响因素,为今后护理本科生的人文教育提供参考.方法 采取整群抽样的方法,选取哈尔滨某护理学院360名护理本科生为研究对象,其中大一、大二、大三和大四的学生分别为90名.采用护理专业大学生人文关怀能力量表和一般资料问卷进行现场调查.采用SPSS13.0统计软件进行分析,用单因素方差分析比较不同年级护理本科生人文关怀能力之间的